Featured on Cosmo: How To Even Out The Discoloration On Your Singit And Inner Thighs

There are many things that cause the singit to darken. According to Healthline, hormonal imbalance or certain medications can cause darkening in the inguinal area (aka the groin). Chafing and dry skin are to be blamed, too. But, the biggest culprit of all is friction. When we wear tight underwear and clothing, we're prone to having discoloration in the inner thighs and bikini area

Dermatologists recommend professional treatments like peels and laser services to help get rid of pigmentation. These are effective and can produce fast results, but they usually cost P2,000 and up per session, depending on the clinic you choose. If you want to save money first, you can try these at-home solutions that don't go over P500. Check out our list below:

Best Products Under P500 to Brighten the Bikini and Inner Thighs


1. Miracle White Underarm + Bikini Advanced Brightening Cream

Before going to bed, apply a light layer of this cream on areas with discoloration. This contains Japanese Sakura and Bearberry extracts to target chicken skin and dark spots. It also has Kojic Acid to help brighten uneven skin tone.



This feature article first appeared on Cosmopolitan 07/27/20